Saturday 2 October 2010

Preliminary task

How did you approach the task?
As none of us had much experience with using a camera, We first went around filming random pieces of film and then editing them by putting in different effects such as music. This gave us a little bit of experience when it came to filming and editing our preliminary task. We then came into our chosen groups and drew up a story board explaining exactly what we wanted to do in our short piece of film. Then we began to film our preliminary task.

How satisfied were you with your filming?
Overall I think we created a decent piece of filming for beginners. Although there were a few mistakes such as: we didn't have a match-on-action shot; also our door scene didn't flow and we learnt that in order to get the best quality filming you should always use a tripod! However mistakes were expected as none of us are experts when it comes to filming.

How well did your team work together? How could you be better organised next time?
I think our team worked very well together. We straight away agreed on who would be best for each role. Bethany and Eli as the actors; me as filmer and Chloe as director.

What particular problems or challenges occurred?
We didn't really experience many problems during filming. However we did experience people walking through our film in the process of filming. That was a bit of a challenge because we had to have the patients to be disturbed half way through and then start again.

What have you learnt about filming from completing this task?
Filming our preliminary task has taught me that filming takes a lot of patients as a small film such as this takes a lot of time and effort. Its not something you can just run though once, it is a long process that consists of lots of little parts being carefully pieced together.

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