Thursday 14 October 2010

analysis of Land of the dead

The land of the dead

The film land of the dead is a horror genre film. It is based on the release of a bad virus causing people to mutate and turn into zombies. They then begin to eat each other. When you have been bitten by one of the zombies you begin to change and mutate yourself.
There is a variety of camera shots and movements, sound and editing throughout the film.  During the introduction there is non-digetic sound in the background of chewing and the sound of someone eating. This gives a clear idea of what the film may be based upon. There is then digetic sound of a news reporter as images of zombies are being shown. The digetic sound explains the situation.

This very first shot is a high angled establishing shot. The lighting is very dark and blurred. This shot is used to show the audience the area where the film will be based. Also the shot is filmed with particular dark lighting to give a spooky atmosphere.

The sign of an arrow with the words ‘eat’ written on it signifies that the film is based upon zombies eating other humans. The camera zooms in, doing a close up shot on the sign, this emphasises the importance of the word eat in the film.

The camera follows the zombies as they appear; this is called a pane shot. The director does this to show more and more zombies appearing. The more zombies showed the bigger the impact on the audience. The lighting is still dark. This is because traditionally zombies come out at night, also darkness gives a more tense and spooky atmosphere.

The zombies are shown holding instruments in a typical everyday environment. This makes the shot more shocking for the audience. Also the fact that they are still stood with their instruments where they would have been performing makes it seem more sudden that they haven’t had a chance to get a way.

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