Thursday 9 December 2010



[Camera pans across the group of girls, watching a film.]

All girls: Aaaahhh!!!

[Katie jumps and drops her popcorn on the floor.]

[Dan (Jessica’s sister), comes in.]

[Over the shoulder shot of Dan talking to the girls.]

Dan: I’m going out now girls; I’ve left my number on the fridge if you need it. See you all later. Bye.

Jessica: We’re not five Dan!

All girls: Bye Dan!!

[Long shot showing Dan exiting the house and leaving the girls all alone]

[Zoom in on the front door after Dan has left showing that it is slightly open..]

[Camera then returns to Jessica’s bedroom.]

Phone: ring ring, ring ring..

[Close up of phone ringing]

[Jessica answers the unknown number and puts it on loud speaker for all the girls to hear.]

Jessica: Hello?

Man: [heavy breathing]

Jessica: Hello? Dan stop messing around I know it’s you!

Man: Did that film scare you?

Jessica: Who is this? How did you get my number?!

Man: You put it by your house phone this morning for your mum.

Jessica: Go away your not scaring me.

Katie: How does he know that?

Daisy: Maybe he’s in the house (giggles)

[All girls look in horror at one another]

Unknown Man: I want to speak to the girl in the green jumper..

[Daisy draws the curtains and shuts the bedroom door]

[Katie stands up with fright]

Katie: I’m getting out of here!

[Camera from inside of the house zooms in on the glass to show the shadow of a man stood there]  

[Katie runs downstairs]

Jessica: Where are you going to go? It will only be Dan playing a joke!

Katie: I’m ringing my mum to come and get me.

Daisy: Don’t be stupid; let’s just finish watching the film.

 [Pan back to the door to show that the shadow has gone]

[Katie walks towards the door]

Daisy: Why is your door open Jessica?!

[Girls look at each other puzzled and scared and exit the house screaming]

[Point of view shot from behind the tree to show the girls leaving]

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