Wednesday 22 September 2010

filming and camera movements

extreme long(establishing shot)
helps to establish time and location. this shot is oftern used at the begining to enable us to see the character from head to toe.

long shot
introduces character and shows their status.

mid shot
this normally follows a long shot. it enables the audience to see the character from the waist up.

two shot
shows two characters, its oftern used in chat shows.

close up
shows close up of a person face or object, this helps to show a clearer view of the characters expression. its engages the audience and shows the characters motive clearly.

over the shoulder shot
enables you to see the background over characters shoulder.

extreme close up
this shows a more intense emotion of the character.

tracking shot
when the camera moves with the character or object si tge audience can keep up with the same pace. oftern the camera is placed on a trolly.

the alternate of tracking shot. shows a much closer, clearer view of a character or object.

sideways track
enother shot where you follow a character or object, usually used in action shots.

tilt shot
the camera is still but is being moved on a tripod up or down.

arc shot
when the camera moves round in an arc shape.

crane shot
this shot is used in high up shots. Acrane is used hense the name crane shot.

pane shot
usually on a tripod moving across the room.

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