Friday 21 January 2011

Perfect weather condition for filming our final piece.

To achieve perfect location settings and to get the best horror effect out of our film, the outside settings need to be dark(but not dark enough to interfere with the view of our characters). It also needs to be a cloudy to give a spooky affect. 

Also there should be some kind of light near by so we can make the best use out of the shadows produced by the trees in our chosen location.

film age rating

We have given our film Anonymous an age rating of 12. This means it is suitable for that age and over, no one below the age of 12 is permitted to watch this film. A rating of 12 can include elements of violence, some strong language and occasional gory moments. In our film there is a slight hint of violence but nothing major is actually seen. There is also times where strong language is used.

production schedule

Production schedule.

Friday 7th January. 

3.00pm: Arrive at Eli's house 

: Set up location for scene 1

3:15pm: Prepare actors, costumes make up etc.

3:30pm: Begin filming scene 1. 

4:00pm: Go to location 2 (outside)

4:15pm: Set up the location 

4:20pm: Begin filming the scene.

4:45pm: Go back to location 1

5:15pm: Set up scene once again.

5:20pm: Begin filming the scene.

5:45pm: Break time!

6:15pm: Go back out to location 2

6:20pm: Set up and begin filming.

6:45pm: Go to location 3

6:50pm: Set up location and begin filming.

7:15pm: Back to location 2 for final scene

7:30pm: Finish with a cup of tea!

target audience

Our group decided to group together images to represent the type of people our film is aimed at. it has a variety of girly and male images, the majority are female related because we believe our film will be more appealable to girls.